Plug & Germination
Welcome to our Plug & Germination Page, your go-to destination for premium PRO-MIX® growing media and AGTIV® biologicals formulated to kickstart your plants' journey. Explore our tailored solutions designed specifically for plug and germination needs, ideal for nurturing seedlings such as vegetable, herbs, and ornamentals. Streamline your propagation process with our carefully selected offerings, ensuring your plants receive the care they deserve right from the start.

Growing Media for Plug & Germination
We offer a diverse range of PRO-MIX® professional growing media tailored to meet various crop requirements. Explore our recommended solutions for plugs and germination.

PRO-MIX® BK AGTIV® AMPLIFY™ is a medium-weight growing medium designed for the cultivation of greenhouse horticultural crops in 4” pots or larger. The combination of processed pine bark, Sphagnum peat moss and perlite makes it a general-purpose product that provides good drainage and a medium water retention capacity. PRO-MIX® BK AGTIV® AMPLIFY™ contains Bacillus, a bacterium that stimulates plant growth, and mycorrhizae, a beneficial endomycorrhizal fungus that supports plant root systems.

PRO-MIX® BKI AGTIV® AMPLIFY™ is a medium-weight growing medium designed for the cultivation of horticultural crops grown in medium to large containers. Its high percentage of processed pine bark, Sphagnum peat moss and perlite, makes it ideal for growers who require frequent dry-down periods and medium-low water retention, especially when growing crops outdoors in a changing environment. PRO-MIX® BKI AGTIV® AMPLIFY™ contains Bacillus, a bacterium that stimulates plant growth, and mycorrhizae, a beneficial endomycorrhizal fungus that supports plant root systems.

Providing an optimized growing environment is fundamental, especially when it comes to germinating seeds, plug production and rooting of young plants where it will define future productivity levels. PRO-MIX® FPX AGTIV® STIMULATE™ is well adapted to encourage uniform seed germination and young plant development. PRO-MIX® FPX AGTIV® STIMULATE™ contains Bacillus, a bacterium that stimulates plant growth. *This product will be delivered in a generic bag.

PRO-MIX® FPO AGTIV® STIMULATE™ is a fine grade, peat/coir-based growing medium with fine perlite that is ideal for the germination of herbs and vegetable seeds. Its physical properties provide favorable conditions to optimize seedling development. PRO-MIX® FPO AGTIV® STIMULATE™ contains Bacillus, a bacterium that stimulates plant growth. *This product will be delivered in a generic bag. Available in Canada only.
Inoculants for Plug & Germination
Our AGTIV® mycorrhizal inoculant sets you up for success by enhancing crop growth, quality, yields and protection. Explore our recommended solutions for plugs and germination.

"A healthy and vigorous seedling is crucial for a successful crop. Either by seeds or cuttings, most transplants are grown in substrates with minimum microbial activity, this leaves the door open to plant diseases and pests which will be detrimental to optimum plant growth. PRO-MIX® substrate products fill the gap in this sensitive stage because our Bacillus and mycorrhizae help those fragile seedlings to overcome biotic and abiotic stresses to achieve their maximum genetic potential."
Horticulture Specialist