PRO-MIX® Product for Organic Crops: Advantages and Properties

Mixing your own growing medium for organic crop culture can be quite a challenge. First, you must find all organic approved ingredients and then blend these ingredients uniformly to make a homogenous, consistent growing medium. This growing medium should be tested for pH and EC to make sure lime and fertilizer rates are acceptable.
The other choice is to buy a pre-blended organic growing medium for your organic crops. The makers of PRO-MIX® have developed the PRO-MIX® MPO AGTIV® FORTIFY™ formulation for growing plants in cell packs and containers organically. This product is made with some of the same high-quality ingredients found in our PRO-MIX® professional products, however this product complies with organic standards and is listed by the Organic Material Review Institute (OMRI™).
Organic Standards in The Industry
To be approved or listed as suitable for organic agriculture or horticulture use, products must comply with strict organic standards. These standards are enforced by independent authorities from non-profit organizations mandated by the USDA and the Canadian Organic Regime. Specifically, for growing media, both the ingredients and the manufacturing processes must be evaluated by organizations like OMRI™ (Organic Materials Review Institute) in the US and Canada, and Québec Vrai in Canada. These organizations, which have operated for over 20 years, ensure that all materials meet the rigorous criteria necessary to maintain organic certification.

PRO-MIX® MPO AGTIV® FORTIFY™ is a multi-purpose growing medium that is formulated for vegetable crops. This product is unique in that it contains Bacillus, a natural bacterium that is added to suppress the root disease organisms Fusarium, Pythium and Rhizoctonia. Mycorrhizae is added to play the important role in accessing nutrients for plant roots by extending the root absorption area. This is very important in organic production because organic nutrients are not readily available or easily absorbed by plants compared to traditional plant culture that uses synthetic water-soluble fertilizers.
All components used in formulating PRO-MIX® MPO AGTIV® FORTIFY™ are approved for organic use and organic farming to produce organic herbs, vegetable and flowers. Compared to standard PRO-MIX® products, plants grown with any organic growing medium may have slower initial growth, which is typical for organic culture. However, plants will catch up according the grower provides adequate fertility during the crop cycle.

Advantages of Using PRO-MIX® MPO Products for Certified Organic Plants
- Compost is great in soil, but when added to growing media, it can reduce air space, cause the growing medium to dry out too slowly and lead to uneven growth. PRO-MIX® MPO products are compost-free and provide consistent initial growth with the basic fertility derived from the food industry, without manure and risk of pathogens (i.e.: E. Coli).
- Some growers mix their own media, because they may believe that organic products are generally not of good quality. PRO-MIX® MPO products have the same qualities and high standards as other PRO-MIX® products. They are superior in composition and performance compared to homemade mixes and other commercial organic growing media.
- Reducing root diseases: the Bacillus pumilus in PRO-MIX® MPO AGTIV® FORTIFY™ is an EPA registered, natural bacterium that suppresses the root disease pathogens Fusarium, Pythium and Rhizoctonia.
- Controlling cultural stresses and fertility: the Rhizophagus irregularis in PRO-MIX® MPO AGTIV® FORTIFY™ is a natural and beneficial endomycorrhizal fungus that enhances plant nutrient absorption, enhances plant resistance to certain root diseases and reduces the effects of cultural stresses on plants.
Product Use
For optimal performance and wettability, we recommend using this product within 3-4 months after the manufacturing date for proper water absorption. Once in use, begin fertilization 2 weeks after transplanting into PRO-MIX® MPO AGTIV® FORTIFY™ and then maintain an ongoing fertility program throughout the rest of the crop cycle.
Keep in mind that most organic fertilizers may need an active population of microorganisms in the growing medium to break down organic fertilizers, so they can be taken up by the plant. In this case, organic fertilizer may need to be applied sooner, so microorganism populations can build up to convert and “release” nutrients for plant uptake.
PRO-MIX® AGTIV® FORTIFY™ growing media products are only available in the US. Validate the availability of eligible products with your PRO-MIX® sales representative.